Sunstar Realty Ltd.- providing residential rental real estate property management service for local and non-resident investors with condos, townhouses, houses, in Vancouver Downtown, Eastside &  Westside, Burnaby and Richmond, British Columbia, Canada since 1994.     Your Peace of Mind is the Core of Our Business
rental properties, homes, houses, condos, apartments, townhouses in Richmond managed by Sunstar Realty Ltd.

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     Listed here is our portfolio of unfurnished rental properties in Richmond managed by Sunstar Realty Ltd.
     All our properties are professionally managed by our licensed property managers and office support staff
     Agency relationships with owners of listed properties are exclusive representations for property management services
     We generally do not offer agency representations to prospective tenants for our unfurnished property portfolio
     We respond to all complaints & repair calls promptly and in writing, and provide 24/7 emergency response service
     All our unfurnished properties require at least one year or longer fixed-term tenancies except where noted otherwise
     All our unfurnished properties do not allow pets and smoking is strictly prohibited except where noted otherwise
     Click on any rental property addresses below for pop up property features pages with colour photos

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Richmond - Condos Richmond - Condos (unfurnished long term rentals listings)
Address Bedroom Bathroom Area(ft²) Rent Status
Quintet: #1305- 7788 Ackroyd Road (Brighouse) 2 2 832 ---- Rented
Lansdowne Square: #205- 8700 Ackroyd Road (Brighouse) 1 1 706 ---- Rented
Bridgeport Court: #312- 3051 Airey Drive (West Cambie) 1 1 650 ---- Rented
Trellaine: #316- 9333 Alberta Road (McLennan North) 1 + den 1 622 ---- Rented
Lotus: #1206- 5900 Alderbridge Way (Brighouse) 2 + den 2 971 ---- Rented
Ocean Walk: #1105- 7555 Alderbridge Way (Brighouse) 2 2 837 ---- Rented
Ocean Walk: #1501- 7575 Alderbridge Way (Brighouse) 3 3 1291 ---- Rented
Regency Villa: #310- 5488 Arcadia Rd (Brighouse) 2 + den 2 1249 ---- Rented
Blundell Gardens: #211- 8760 Blundell Road (Garden City) 2 2 947 ---- Rented
Avanti: #808- 3331 Brown Road (West Cambie) 1 + flex 1 680 ---- Rented
One Park: #1202- 6633 Buswell Street (Brighouse) 2 2 815 ---- Rented
Sorrento: #505- 8633 Capstan Way (West Cambie) 1 + flex 1 576 ---- Rented
Sorrento: #908- 8633 Capstan Way (West Cambie) 1 1 565 ---- Rented
RIVA at Oval Village: #315- 5399 Cedarbridge Way (Brighouse) 2 + off 2 900 ---- Rented
Garden City Residences: #508- 9188 Cook Rd (McLennan North) 2 2 1189 ---- Rented
The Grand: #1010- 5599 Cooney Road (Brighouse) 1 + den 1 653 ---- Rented
Lansdowne Greene: #206- 5800 Cooney Road (Brighouse) 2 1.5 955 ---- Rented
JADE: #701- 5933 Cooney Road (Brighouse) 1 1 558 ---- Rented
Wall Centre: #1603- 3111 Corvette Way (West Cambie) 1 1 629 ---- Rented
Lighthouse Place: #215- 5860 Dover Cres (Riverdale) 1 1 672 $1,990 FOR RENT!
Lighthouse Place: #215- 5860 Dover Cres (Riverdale) 1 1 672 ---- Rented
Lighthouse Place: #601- 5860 Dover Cres (Riverdale) 2 2 985 ---- Rented
MODENA: #308- 6611 Eckersley Road (Brighouse) 2 + den 2 863 ---- Rented
MODENA: #309- 6611 Eckersley Road (Brighouse) 2 + flex 2 839 ---- Rented
Cambar: #201- 7117 Elmbridge Way (Brighouse) 2 2 898 ---- Rented
The Residences: #1508- 7380 Elmbridge Way (Brighouse) 3 2 1033 ---- Rented
Kensington Court: #303- 9200 Ferndale Road (McLennan North) 1 + flex 1 696 ---- Rented
RED II: #220- 9233 Ferndale Road (McLennan North) 3 2 1201 ---- Rented
Quintet: #606- 7979 Firbridge Way (Brighouse) 2 2 939 ---- Rented
Lions Park: #6212- 5117 Garden City Rd (Brighouse) 3 + den 2 1300 ---- Rented
One River Park Place: #1503- 5233 Gilbert Rd (Brighouse) 2 2 726 ---- Rented
Hamilton Village: #306- 23233 Gilley Road (Hamilton) 1 + flex 1 651 ---- Rented
Hamilton Village: #314- 23233 Gilley Road (Hamilton) 2 + flex 2 980 ---- Rented
Hamilton Village: #405- 23233 Gilley Road (Hamilton) 1 + flex 1 651 ---- Rented
The Duchess: #306- 8180 Granville Ave (Brighouse South) 2 2 878 ---- Rented
Harmony: #1801- 8288 Granville Ave (Brighouse South) 1 1 577 ---- Rented
Coronado: #305- 8460 Granville Ave (Brighouse South) 1 1 624 ---- Rented
Coronado: #605- 8460 Granville Ave (Brighouse South) 2 2 885 ---- Rented
Concord Gardens: #916- 8833 Hazelbridge Way (West Cambie) 2 + off 2 811 ---- Rented
Magnolia: #607- 9180 Hemlock Dr (McLennan North) 1 1 683 ---- Rented
Mandalay: #308- 9373 Hemlock Dr (McLennan North) 3 + off 2 1229 ---- Rented
Victoria Park: #416- 8100 Jones Rd (Brighouse) 2 2 938 ---- Rented
Laguna: #202- 8180 Jones Rd (Brighouse South) 1 1 722 ---- Rented
Laguna: #103- 8200 Jones Rd (Brighouse South) 2 2 977 ---- Rented
Season II: #608- 5068 Kwantlen Street (Brighouse) 2 2 978 ---- Rented
Prado: #505- 8120 Lansdowne Rd (Brighouse) 2 3 866 ---- Rented
Prado: #1002- 8120 Lansdowne Rd (Brighouse) 2 2 1071 $2,850 FOR RENT!
Prado: #1503- 8120 Lansdowne Rd (Brighouse) 2 2 1017 ---- Rented
Versante: #1203- 8288 Lansdowne Rd (Brighouse) 1 1 606 ---- Rented
Centre Pointe: #1007- 8851 Lansdowne Rd (Brighouse) 1 1 732 ---- Rented
Mayfair Place: #107- 9388 McKim Way (West Cambie) 2 2 830 ---- Rented
Mayfair Place: #136- 9388 McKim Way (West Cambie) 2 2 806 ---- Rented
Mayfair Place: #331- 9388 McKim Way (West Cambie) 1 1 674 ---- Rented
Woodridge Estates: #255- 7471 Minoru Blvd (Brighouse South) 2 1 915 ---- Rented
The Paramount: #802- 6320 No. 3 Road (Brighouse) 1 + den 1 606 ---- Rented
Berkeley House: #418- 9233 Odlin Road (West Cambie) 2 2 860 ---- Rented
Berkeley House: #422- 9233 Odlin Road (West Cambie) 2 1 803 ---- Rented
Meridian Gate: #232- 9288 Odlin Road (West Cambie) 2 2 926 ---- Rented
Saffron: #407- 8600 Park Road (Brighouse) 2 2 817 ---- Rented
St Raphael at Parc Riviera: #103- 10155 River Road (Bridgeport) 2 2 731 ---- Rented
Mayfair Court: #147- 8111 Ryan Road (South Arm) 2 + flex 2 805 ---- Rented
Rosario Gardens: #205- 8297 Saba Road (Brighouse) 2 2 914 $2,650 FOR RENT!
REMY: #655- 4099 Stolberg Street (West Cambie) 2 1 738 ---- Rented
Omega: #302- 9333 Tomicki Avenue (West Cambie) 2 + den 2 906 ---- Rented
Avanti: #908- 8333 Sweet Avenue (West Cambie) 1 1 637 ---- Rented
Camino: #1008- 8068 Westminster Hwy (Brighouse) 1 1 573 ---- Rented
Richmond - Houses Richmond - Houses & Suites (unfurnished long term rentals listings)
Address Bedroom Bathroom Area(ft²) Rent Status
Main- 10091 Ainsworth Crescent (McNair) 3 1 1119 ---- Rented
7400 Belair Drive (Broadmoor) 5 + den 4 4016 ---- Rented
14551 Cambie Road (East Richmond) 3 + off 3 4600 ---- Rented
5426 Eastman Drive (Lackner) 5 2.5 2800 ---- Rented
Main- 9920 Francis Road (Saunders) 3 1.5 1250 ---- Rented
9611 Geal Road (Boyd Park) 5 4 2650 ---- Rented
6740 Juniper Drive (Woodwards) 6 3 3700 ---- Rented
7600 Lang Place (Quilchena) 5 + den 5.5 4676 ---- Rented
5620 Linscott Court (Granville) 4 2.5 2678 ---- Rented
8188 Lundy Road (Garden City) 5 + den 5.5 3129 ---- Rented
Main- 6371 Madrona Crescent (Granville) 3 1 1075 ---- Rented
Main- 6440 Mara Crescent (Granville) 3 1.5 1311 ---- Rented
8411 Rideau Drive (Saunders) 4 2.5 2282 ---- Rented
17260 River Road (East Richmond) 3 2 1078 ---- Rented
Main- 7440 Schaefer Avenue (Broadmoor) 3 2 1246 ---- Rented
Ground- 9851 Seacote Road (Ironwood) 1 1 ~300 ---- Rented
5111 Smith Drive (Hamilton) 4 + den 3.5 2320 ---- Rented
4200 Tyson Place (Quilchena) 3 2 1208 ---- Rented
Ground- 10513 Yarmish Drive (Steveston North) 2 1 1200 ---- Rented
Richmond - Townhouses Richmond - Townhouses and Duplexes (unfurnished long term rentals listings)
Address Bedroom Bathroom Area(ft²) Rent Status
Phoenix Pond: #1- 4388 Bayview Street (Steveston South) 3 + den 3.5 1788 ---- Rented
Magnolia: #8- 9180 Hemlock Drive (McLennan North) 2 2.5 1259 ---- Rented
Magnolia: #12- 9180 Hemlock Drive (McLennan North) 2 + den 2 1404 ---- Rented
Granville Park: #12- 6833 Livingstone Place (Granville) 2 + den 2 1016 ---- Rented
Leighton Green: #13- 9133 Sills Avenue (McLennan North) 2 2.5 1227 ---- Rented
Bridgeview Court: #30- 5380 Smith Drive (Hamilton) 3 2.5 2112 ---- Rented
Spires Gate: #45- 8888 Spires Road (Brighouse) 3 + flex 2.5 1305 ---- Rented
Normandie: #65- 11571 Thorpe Road (East Cambie) 3 2.5 1252 ---- Rented
Mayflower: #113- 3880 Westminster Hwy (Terra Nova) 3 2.5 1562 ---- Rented
6426 Williams Road (Woodwards) 3 + off 2.5 1956 ---- Rented
Sereno: #4- 8091 Williams Road (Saunders) 3 2.5 1458 ---- Rented
Sereno: #12- 8091 Williams Road (Saunders) 3 2.5 1388 ---- Rented

   Skip to Vancouver Downtown rental condos Downtown | Vancouver Westside rental homes Vancouver Westside | Vancouver Eastside rental homes Vancouver Eastside | Burnaby rental homes Burnaby | rental homes in other areas Others Areas | Sunstar FiveStar Fully Furnished Short Term Rental condos in Downtown Vancouver Fully Furnished

Disclaimer: All listed properties on this page are either managed by and/or represented by Sunstar Realty Ltd., a real estate trading and rental property management brokerage licensed under the Real Estate Services Act of BC. All measurements are approximate and all information presented herein are obtained from sources believed to be reliable; user to verify and be aware that Sunstar Realty Ltd. does not assume any responsibility and/or liability for the accuracy of such. Sunstar Realty Ltd. is the exclusive managing agent for owners of the listed rental properties, and our agency relationships with our principals are established for the purpose of rental property marketing and rental property management. We generally do not offer agency representation to prospective tenants, except for tenant clients with agency relationship already established with our corporate relocation division. Except where consent is obtained in advance from our principals, we are only remunerated from our principals for our services provided and we do not accept remunerations from prospective tenants and/or any other third parties in the course of doing our business as rental property managers.

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